Charles Wingert
ALC, Licensed Broker
Anoka Technical Institute – Architectural & Engineering
Mankato State University – Business Management
Realtors Land Institute (RLI)/Texas A&M Courses
Each course is either a two-day or one-week course held in different cities throughout the United States with a two-hour or half-day test at the end of the course.
- Ag Land Marketing
- Investment Analysis
- Exchanging (simultaneous and Section 1031 deferred)
- Subdivision and Land Development
- Creative Land Planning for Profit
- Negotiation
- Land 101
- Timberland Evaluation
- RLI two-day National Land Conference annually 2007–2016
- American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers (ASFMRA) Courses
- “Principles of Farm Management” Indianapolis, IN: 1997
- “Conservation Easements” Morton, MN: 2001
- “Wetland Mitigation” Red Wing, MN: 2005
- “Negotiation” Rochester, MN: 2006
Blue Earth County Soil & Water Conservation District: 1974–1975
- Soil evaluation, layout, survey & design of drainage systems, windbreaks, erosion control structures, terraces, etc
Created Wingert Land Services: 1976
- Specializing in Agricultural Engineering (drainage engineering, layout & design of erosion control structures, soil evaluation, wetland restoration, etc.)
- Worked with 16,000+ farmers and farmland owners in Southern Minnesota
- 30+ year member of the Minnesota Land Improvement Contractors Association
Created Wingert Realty & Land Services, Inc: 1993
Joined Hertz Farm Management in 2021
Recreated Wingert Land Services in 2023
Minnesota Real Estate Involvement
- Licensed in 1985, specializing in Agricultural Real Estate
- Member Realtors Association of Southern Minnesota
- Past Secretary (1989), Treasurer (1990), and Vice President (1991) of Minnesota Chapter of the Realtors Land Institute. RLI is an organization consisting of Realtors that specialize in all forms of land brokerage.
- President of Minnesota Realtors Land Institute: 1992
National Realtors Land Institute (RLI) Involvement
- RLI organization consists of the top farm, ranch, timber and transitional land Realtors throughout the United States
- Former member of the Board of Directors
- Appointed Regional Vice President of Region 8, which covers Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska, North and South Dakota: 1995, 2002
- National Vice Chairman of the Ag Land Committee: 1997
- National Chairman of the Ag Land Committee: 1998
- Received Accredited Land Consultant (ALC) designation: 1993
Obtaining the ALC is a five-year process. Requirements include a minimum of $1,000,000 of sales per year, State and National RLI involvement, completion of land education courses and seminars and two days of oral and written testing along with an in-depth demonstration report in Washington, D.C.
- Appointed by RLI to serve as Legislative Liaison to the National Association of Realtors
- National Vice-President 2011, President Elect 2012,
- National President Realtors Land Institute 2013
- Received the Realtors Land Institute ‘Land Realtor of America’ Award 2020
Created Wingert Realty & Land Services, Inc: 1993
Joined Hertz Farm Management in 2021
Recreated Wingert Land Services in 2023
- Realtors Association of Southern Minnesota
- Minnesota Association of Realtors
- National Association of Realtors
- Minnesota Land Improvement Contractors Association – Awarded 2007 Minnesota Land Improvement Contractor of Year
- Realtors Land Institute – Vice President 2011, President Elect 2012
- Realtors Land Institute – National President 2013
- Realtors Land Institute – March 2021 – Awarded 2020 Land Realtor of America